Create Your Heroes

Vintage, Realistic Comic Ink Brushes for Procreate

Authentic Comic Book Inking

If you’re a long-time comic book fan like me, you appreciate the art of inking. I crafted these brushes to mimic the vintage, comic-inspired look Procreate was missing. They deliver a subtle textured line that imitates the ink-bleed on old newsprint comic books. These brushes are perfect for adding natural touches and a more traditional feel to your linework.

A Complete and Professional Vintage Ink Kit for Procreate

Vintage Comic Ink Brush Features:

  • 11-Ink brushes for adding realistic comic-vibes to your art
  • 2-Halftone brushes for retro effects and shading
  • 4-High resolution, vintage paper textures
  • 1-Legacy Brush
  • Traditional look and feel
  • Free Lifetime Updates
  1. 6B Inker’s Pencil
  2. 6B Pencil
  3. Vintage Inker
  4. Modern Inker
  5. Modern Inker Fat
  6. Janson Inker
  7. CrowQuill Pen
  8. Ashley Dry Brush
  9. Modern Tech Pen
  10. Vintage Tech Pen
  11. Paper Grain Inker
  12. 45 Halftone Line
  13. 45 Halftone Dot
  14. Ashely Dry Brush – Legacy

Extras Included:

  • PDF Brush Guide
  • 4 High Resolution Vintage Paper Textures
  • Masking Color Palette
Vintage Ink Sample Strokes

Note: Thes brushes are for Procreate 5+. They will not work in Photoshop!

Procreate Vintage Comic Book Ink Brush Kit only $9

Vintage Comic Ink Brushes Cover


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“Really digging the Vintage Comic Set!”—Vintage Comic Ink Brushes